.NET 代码注入 CodeInject
CInject (or CodeInject) 允许直接往托管的代码中注入代码,而无需反编译。可在单个或者多个方法中注入你要执行的代码。使用 CInject 时你无需了解目标应用的细节,你通过注入来轻松对应用功能进行改造.
Provides runtime intelligence such as
- Values of arguments to the called function
- Object life time of a method / variables called within the method
- Allows customization of logging or diagnostics
- Allows extension of injectors to tailor your own solution as the need be
- Measure the method execution time to check performance
Build your own plugins using CInject information
- CInject supports building your own plugins
- The plugin receives information from the application such as
- Target assembly & method
- Injector assembly & method
- Processing details, results with timestamp
- Exceptions and errors
- Customized Plugin menu in CInject application
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