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     想用nodejs写个微博客户端发微博,无奈新浪微博的nodejs sdk是OAuth1.0的。    <br /> 只能自己根据OAuth1.0 改了改。    <br /> 只写了statuses/update 和 statuses/upload,其他的实现基本都类似了。    <br /> update是简单参数的post,upload是multipart 包含二进制图片的post。    <br /> 改改帐号参数和发送的图片路径,node weibotest.js就能成功发送了。    <br /> 如果中文出现乱码,请把这两个js文件保存成utf-8编码。    <br />    <br />    <br /> weibo.js    <pre class="brush:javascript; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">var querystring = require('querystring'), crypto = require('crypto'), https = require('https'), URL = require('url'), path = require('path'), fs = require('fs');  var apiprefix = 'https://api.weibo.com/2/', appkey = '2849184197', appsecret = '7338acf99a00412983f255767c7643d0'; var userId = "微博帐号", passwd = "微博密码";  var baseurl = "https://api.weibo.com/2/";  var weibo = module.exports = function() {     this._accesstoken = "";     this._accessTokenName = "access_token"; }; weibo.prototype = {   //oauth2/authorize     getAuthorize: function(callback) {         var params = {};         params['client_id'] = appkey; // appkey         params['redirect_uri'] = ""; // oauth2 回调地址         params['response_type'] = "code";         params['action'] = "submit";         params['userId'] = userId; // 微博帐号         params['passwd'] = passwd; // 帐号密码         var post_data = querystring.stringify(params);         var post_headers = {             'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'         };         var url = apiprefix + "oauth2/authorize";         //https request         var m = "POST";         var code = "";         var tt = this;         this._request(m, url, post_headers, post_data, null,         function(error, body, response) {             if (error) {                 console.log("error:" + error);             }             else {                 code = response.headers.location.substr(6);                 console.log("code:" + code);                 tt.getAccesstoken(code,                 function(err, access_token, refresh_token) {                     console.log(access_token);                     tt._accesstoken = access_token;                     callback(err, access_token, refresh_token);                 });             }         });     },     //oauth2/access_token     getAccesstoken: function(code, callback) {         var params = {};         params['grant_type'] = "authorization_code"; // appkey         params['redirect_uri'] = ""; // oauth2 回调地址         params['client_id'] = appkey;         params['client_secret'] = appsecret;         params['code'] = code;          var post_data = querystring.stringify(params);         var post_headers = {             'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',             "contentType":"text/html;charset=uft-8"         };         var url = apiprefix + "oauth2/access_token";         //https request         var m = "POST";         this._request(m, url, post_headers, post_data, null,         function(error, data, response) {             if (error) callback(error);             else {                 var results;                 try {                     // As of http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-v2-07                     // responses should be in JSON                     results = JSON.parse(data);                 }                 catch(e) {                     // .... However both 非死book + Github currently use rev05 of the spec                     // and neither seem to specify a content-type correctly in their response headers :(                     // clients of these services will suffer a *minor* performance cost of the exception                     // being thrown                     results = querystring.parse(data);                 }                 var access_token = results["access_token"];                 var refresh_token = results["refresh_token"];                 delete results["refresh_token"];                 callback(null, access_token, refresh_token);             }         });     },     //通用https request,从node-oauth上oauth2摘出来的     _request: function(method, url, headers, post_body, access_token, callback) {         var creds = crypto.createCredentials({});         var parsedUrl = URL.parse(url, true);         if (parsedUrl.protocol == "https:" && !parsedUrl.port) parsedUrl.port = 443;          var realHeaders = {};         if (headers) {             for (var key in headers) {                 realHeaders[key] = headers[key];             }         }         realHeaders['Host'] = parsedUrl.host;          if (Buffer.isBuffer(post_body)) {             realHeaders['Content-Length'] = post_body ? post_body.length: 0;         }         else {             realHeaders['Content-Length'] = post_body ? Buffer.byteLength(post_body) : 0;         }         if (access_token) {             if (!parsedUrl.query) parsedUrl.query = {};             parsedUrl.query[this._accessTokenName] = access_token;         }          var result = "";         var queryStr = querystring.stringify(parsedUrl.query);         if (queryStr) queryStr = "?" + queryStr;         var options = {             host: parsedUrl.hostname,             port: parsedUrl.port,             path: parsedUrl.pathname + queryStr,             method: method,             headers: realHeaders         };         // Some hosts *cough* google appear to close the connection early / send no content-length header         // allow this behaviour.         var allowEarlyClose = false;         var callbackCalled = false;         function passBackControl(response, result) {             if (!callbackCalled) {                 callbackCalled = true;                 if (response.statusCode != 200 && (response.statusCode != 301) && (response.statusCode != 302)) {                     callback({                         statusCode: response.statusCode,                         data: result                     });                 } else {                     callback(null, result, response);                 }             }         }         console.log("options:");         console.log(options);         var request = https.request(options,         function(response) {             response.on("data",             function(chunk) {                 result += chunk             });             response.on("close",             function(err) {                 if (allowEarlyClose) {                     passBackControl(response, result);                 }             });             response.addListener("end",             function() {                 passBackControl(response, result);             });         });         request.on('error',         function(e) {             callbackCalled = true;             callback(e);         });         if (method == 'POST' && post_body) {             request.write(post_body);         }         request.end();     },     //普通post,执行类似statuses/update.json     post: function(url, params, callback) {         if (!this._accesstoken) return callback("not authorize");         var post_data = querystring.stringify(params);         var post_headers = {             'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'         };         if (params.ContentType) {             post_headers['Content-Type'] = params.ContentType;         }         this._request("POST", baseurl + url + '.json', post_headers, post_data, this._accesstoken, callback);     },     /********** statuses *********/     //statuses/repost 转发一条微博信息     //statuses/destroy 删除微博信息     //statuses/update 发布一条微博信息     //statuses/upload 上传图片并发布一条微博     //statuses/upload_url_text 发布一条微博同时指定上传的图片或图片url      //emotions 获取官方表情     repost: function(args, callback) {         /* args参数:    *  id : 微博id    *  status : 转发文本     *  is_comment 0-不发评论 1-发评论给当前微博 2-发评论给原微博 3-都发    */         if (!args.id) return callback('missing argument id');         this.post('statuses/repost', args, callback);     },      update: function(params, callback) {         if (!params.status) return callback('missing argument status');         this.post('statuses/update', params, callback);     },      FILE_CONTENT_TYPES: {         '.gif': 'image/gif',         '.jpeg': 'image/jpeg',         '.jpg': 'image/jpeg',         '.png': 'image/png'      },   //获取文件信息,用于statuses/upload 上传图片并发布一条微博     fileinfo: function(file) {         var name, content_type;         if (typeof(file) === 'string') {             var ext = path.extname(file);             content_type = this.FILE_CONTENT_TYPES[ext];             name = path.basename(file);         } else {             name = file.name || file.fileName;             content_type = file.fileType || file.type;         }         return {             name: name,             content_type: content_type         };     },      /**       * 上传图片      * pic: filepath      * callback: finish callback function      **/     upload: function(params, callback) {         if (!params.status) return callback('missing argument status');         var pic = params.pic;         var pic_field = 'pic';          var boundary = 'boundary' + (new Date).getTime();         var dashdash = '--';         var crlf = '\r\n';          /* Build RFC2388 string. */         var builder = '';          builder += dashdash;         builder += boundary;         builder += crlf;     //微博文字         builder += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="status"';         builder += crlf;         builder += crlf;         /* Append form data. */         builder += params.status;         builder += crlf;          /* Write boundary. */         builder += dashdash;         builder += boundary;         builder += crlf;          var fileinfo = this.fileinfo(pic);          /* Generate headers. [PIC] */         builder += 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="' + pic_field + '"';          builder += '; filename="' + fileinfo.name + '"';         builder += crlf;          builder += 'Content-Type: ' + fileinfo.content_type + ';';         builder += crlf;         builder += crlf;          var tt = this;         // 处理文件内容         //微博图片         this.read_file(pic,         function(file_buffer) {             var endstr = crlf + dashdash + boundary + dashdash + crlf,             buffer = null;             if (typeof(BlobBuilder) === 'undefined') {                 var builderLength = new Buffer(builder).length;                 var size = builderLength + file_buffer.length + endstr.length;                 buffer = new Buffer(size);                 var offset = 0;                 buffer.write(builder);                 offset += builderLength;                 file_buffer.copy(buffer, offset);                 offset += file_buffer.length;                 buffer.write(endstr, offset);             } else {                 buffer = new BlobBuilder(); //NOTE WebKitBlogBuilder                 buffer.append(builder);                 buffer.append(pic);                 buffer.append(endstr);                 buffer = buffer.getBlob();             }             if (!tt._accesstoken) return callback("not authorize");             var post_data = buffer;             //必须使用multipart/form-data             var post_headers = {                 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data;boundary=' + boundary             };             console.log(builder);             tt._request("POST", baseurl + 'statuses/upload' + '.json', post_headers, post_data, tt._accesstoken, callback);          });     },      read_file: function(pic, callback) {         if (typeof(pic) === 'string') {             fs.stat(pic,             function(err, stats) {                 fs.readFile(pic,                 function(err, file_buffer) {                   console.log(err);                    if (!err) callback(file_buffer);                 });             });         } else {             callback(pic);         }     },  };</pre>weibotest.js    <pre class="brush:javascript; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">var weibo = require('./weibo');  var wb = new weibo(); wb.getAuthorize(function(err, access_token, refresh_token) {     //wb.update({     //    "status": "中文不行?"     //},     //function(error, body, response) {     //    if (error) {     //        console.log("error:");     //        console.log(error);     //    }     //    else {     //        console.log("body:" + body);     //    }     //});     wb.upload({         "status": "中文不行?",         "pic": "E:/XX.jpg"     },     function(error, body, response) {         if (error) {             console.log("error:");             console.log(error);         }         else {             console.log("body:" + body);         }     }); });</pre>来自:http://blog.csdn.net/problc/article/details/7225419     
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