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Qt集成开发环境 QDevelop

     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p>QDevelop 是一个用来开发基于 Qt4 应用程序的集成开发环境,要求 Qt4 的支持,Windows 需要 MinGW 支持。使用 gdb 做为调试工具,提供包括英语、德语、法语、荷兰语与俄语的支持,没有中文。</p>     <p><strong>Cross Platform: Supports Linux, Windows 2000/XP/Vista </strong></p>     <p><strong>Reading and writing project files (with some small restrictions) </strong></p>     <p><strong>Add / Delete and edit project files (or external files) </strong></p>     <p><strong>Management of normal projects and project SUBDIRS. </strong></p>     <p><strong>Independent build for each projects. I.e. are rebuild only the really modified projects. </strong></p>     <p><strong>In the event of errors or warnings of compilation, double-click on the line opens the corresponding editor. </strong></p>     <p><strong>Debugging with gdb. Toggle breakpoints by click in the line number on editor or by right click. When the program is stopped on breakpoint, it's possible to view variables contents with a linedit. </strong></p>     <p><strong>In the editor, F1 call Assistant to show help for the word under the cursor. </strong></p>     <p><strong>In debugging mode, on a breakpoint, the macro pqstring makes it possible to show the contents of QString. That makes it possible to remove the 'qDebug() << myString;' in the code. </strong></p>     <p><img style="width:524px;height:392px;" alt="Qt集成开发环境 QDevelop" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/bffa747f3e42727482b17776593431c7.jpg" /><br /> <br /> </p>     <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326963169999" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326963169999</a></p>    </div>     
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C/C++开发 QT