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Windows安装程序制作工具 NSIS

     <div id="p_fullcontent" class="detail">     <p>NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) 是一个专业开源的制作 windows 安装程序的工具。特性:</p>     <ul>      <li>Generates self-contained executable installers</li>      <li>Support for ZLib, BZip2 and LZMA data compression (files can be compressed individually or together)</li>      <li>Uninstall support (installer can generate an uninstaller)</li>      <li>Customizable user interface (dialogs, fonts, backgrounds, icons, text, checkmarks, images etc.)</li>      <li>Classic and Modern wizard interface</li>      <li>Fully multilingual, support for multiple languages (including RTL languages) in one installer. More than 40 translations are already available, but you can also create your own.</li>      <li>Page system: You can add standard wizard pages or custom pages</li>      <li>User selection of installation components, tree for component selection</li>      <li>Multiple install configurations (usually Minimal, Typical, Full), and custom configuration</li>      <li>Installer self-verification using a CRC32 checksum</li>      <li>Small overhead over compressed data size (34 KB with default options)</li>      <li>Ability to display a license agreement in text or RTF format</li>      <li>Ability to detect destination directory from the registry</li>      <li>Easy to use plug-in system (lots of plug-ins for creation of custom dialogs, internet connections, HTTP downloading, file patching, Win32 API calls, etc. are included)</li>      <li>Installers can be as large as 2GB</li>      <li>Optional silent mode for automated installations</li>      <li>A preprocessor with support for defined symbols, macros, conditional compilation, standard predefines</li>      <li>A lovely coding experience with elements of PHP and assembly (includes user variables, a stack, real flow control, etc.)</li>      <li>Installers have their own VMs that let you write code that can support:       <ul>        <li>File extraction (with configurable overwrite parameters)</li>        <li>File/directory copying, renaming, deletion, searching</li>        <li>Plug-in DLL calling</li>        <li>DLL/ActiveX control registration/unregistration</li>        <li>Executable execution (shell execute and wait options)</li>        <li>Shortcut creation</li>        <li>Registry key reading/setting/enumerating/deleting</li>        <li>INI file reading/writing</li>        <li>Generic text file reading/writing</li>        <li>Powerful string and integer manipulation</li>        <li>Window finding based on class name or title</li>        <li>User interface manipulation (font/text setting)</li>        <li>Window message sending</li>        <li>User interaction with message boxes or custom pages</li>        <li>Branching, comparisons, etc.</li>        <li>Error checking</li>        <li>Reboot support, including delete or rename on reboot</li>        <li>Installer behavior commands (such as show/hide/wait/etc.)</li>        <li>User functions in script</li>        <li>Callback functions for user actions</li>       </ul> </li>      <li>Completely free for any use. See <a title="License" href="/misc/goto?guid=4959500594962579821">License</a>.</li>     </ul>     <p><img alt="Windows安装程序制作工具 NSIS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/c8d6912ea64750c1d1126f48355854ca.jpg" width="503" height="393" /><br /> <br /> </p>     <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326205708687" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1326205708687</a></p>    </div>     
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