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UDP开发包 ENet

     <p>ENet 是一个易用的、可移植的 UDP 网络开发包,主要功能包括连接管理、可靠的按顺序的多通道包传输机制、包分解和重新打包、避免堵塞机制等。</p>    <p>下面是一个用 ENet 创建的服务器端代码示例:</p>    <pre class="brush:cpp; toolbar: true; auto-links: false;">    ENetAddress address;     ENetHost * server;      /* Bind the server to the default localhost.     */     /* A specific host address can be specified by   */     /* enet_address_set_host (& address, "x.x.x.x"); */      address.host = ENET_HOST_ANY;     /* Bind the server to port 1234. */     address.port = 1234;      server = enet_host_create (& address /* the address to bind the server host to */,                                   32      /* allow up to 32 clients and/or outgoing connections */,                                   0      /* assume any amount of incoming bandwidth */,                                   0      /* assume any amount of outgoing bandwidth */);     if (server == NULL)     {         fprintf (stderr,                   "An error occurred while trying to create an ENet server host.\n");         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);     }     ...     ...     ...     enet_host_destroy(server);</pre>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1325834185203" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1325834185203</a></p>    <p></p>     
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UDP 网络工具包