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Lua 的 Web 工具包 LWT

     LWT (Lua Web Tools) 可让你使用 Lua 开发 Web 应用,并可直接在 Apache 上运行。LWT 的核心功能通过一个 Apache 的模块(mod_lwt)来提供。另外 LWT 提供可选的 Lua 模块用来访问数据库和缓存。    <ul>     <li><strong>Apache module</strong>. LWT provides an Apache HTTP server module that handles requests by invoking Lua scripts. The module provides the core functionality for creating web applications. </li>     <li><strong>Template engine.</strong> LWT provides a template engine that blends Lua with HTML/XML. The engine supports substitutions and logic in a way that is natural to both Lua and HTML/XML. This makes it easy to develop web applications with a clean separation of UI logic in Lua and layout in HTML. </li>     <li><strong>Full request control.</strong> LWT provides full control over web requests, including request status, content type, input and output. This faciliates the creation of JSON web services, and other uses of HTTP. </li>     <li><strong>File uploads.</strong> LWT supports HTTP file uploads from a web browser. </li>     <li><strong>WSAPI.</strong> LWT supports the WSAPI standard, and can be used to run WSAPI applications directly in the Apache HTTP server. </li>     <li><strong>Databases.</strong> The IS module supports the access to information system in an SQL injection safe way. Currently, the module supports MySQL, Sybase, SQL Server and SQLite. </li>     <li><strong>Caching.</strong> The cache module supports the use of caches, currently memcached. </li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323606094109" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323606094109</a></p>     
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Lua Web框架