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多用户文档管理系统 Owl

     <p>Owl是一个多用户文档管理系统。它可对文件夹和文件设置权限,基于角色权限管理,具有易于使用并且简洁的用户操作与管理界面,能够对文件夹和文件进行监控,支持对文本,</p>    <p>MS-Word和PDF文件进行全文搜索,提供下载统计功能,数据库备份工具,新闻系统,版本控制,回收站,自定文档类型等等。<br /> 功能特性:<br /> </p>    <li>Multi-user environment Folder and file permissions.</li>    <li>Group permissions. Anonymous access.</li>    <li>Self register capabilities, Capcha Support password size policy enforcement</li>    <li>Upload Progress Bar Indicator</li>    <li>Check IN / Check OUT of files </li>    <li>ACL (Access Control List) Security</li>    <li>Persistent login.</li>    <li>Easy to use Simple and clear user interface.</li>    <li>Notifications for owner and group.</li>    <li>File and folder monitoring.</li>    <li>Searchable (integrated search tool). Search within txt, ms-word and pdf files.</li>    <li>Bulk operations (move, mail, delete...)</li>    <li>mp3 info reading, displays mp3 info (artist, album, quality...)</li>    <li>Sitemap</li>    <li>Easy to use and clean administration interface Higly scalable, size of the database is limited by your hardware.</li>    <li>Event Logging</li>    <li>Integrated log viewer Download statistics.</li>    <li>Ability to store files in the filesystem or database, for versatility.</li>    <li>DB Backup tool</li>    <li>Sets up very quickly.<br /> </li>    <div style="text-align:center;" class="componentheading">     <img style="width:651px;" border="0" src="http://owl.anytimecomm.com/images/stories/screens/browse.png" width="800" height="976" />    </div>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323441572421" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1323441572421</a></p>     
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PHP 文档管理