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PHP开源CMS系统 ACollab 介绍

     <p><b>Atutor</b>是一款<span class="mw-redirect">开源</span>的“教学内容管理系统”(Learning Content Management System,简称<b>LCMS</b>)。采用PHP、MySQL,<span class="mw-redirect">HTTP</span> Web 服务器推荐使用Apache。</p>    <p>Atutor除了教学内容管理的功能,还包括了简化的论坛、<span class="mw-redirect">聊天室</span>等,另外通过模块安装,还可以扩展功能:</p>    <ul>     <li>EWiki,<span class="new">ErFurtWiki</span>在Atutor的实现;</li>     <li>ATalker,基于网页的文本朗读工具。</li>    </ul>    <p>Atutor支持二十多种语言,包括<span class="mw-redirect">中文</span>,志愿者可以参加翻译等工作。</p>    <h3>ACollab 功能特性:</h3>    <ul>     <li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized.</li>     <li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading.</li>     <li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings.</li>     <li><strong>News & Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group.</li>     <li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information.</li>     <li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately.</li>     <li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing.</li>     <li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view.</li>     <li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the ATutor.ca translation tools.</li>     <li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.</li>     <li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members.</li>     <li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system.</li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322659388812" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322659388812</a></p>     
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