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PHP开源CMS系统 PHP-Fusion

     <img style="border-bottom:0px;border-left:0px;border-top:0px;border-right:0px;" alt="PHP开源CMS系统 PHP-Fusion" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/a0c7ab4f1f52069bfca8bcffdc000f4d.png" width="255" height="89" />    <p><span class="style7">PHP-Fusion是一个轻量级开源内容管理系统。它采用mySQL数据库存储网站内容并提供一个简单,全面的后台管理系统。PHP-Fusion包含大多数CMS系统所具有的功能。 </span></p>    <p> </p>    <p><img style="width:465px;height:417px;cursor:-moz-zoom-in;" alt="PHP开源CMS系统 PHP-Fusion" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/7502c1cbd7b7eb73e047cc8107ee6346.png" width="1025" height="1025" /></p>    <p> </p>    <p><span style="font-size:medium;"><strong>PHP-Fusion has the following major features:</strong></span></p>    <ul>     <li>News</li>     <li>Articles</li>     <li>Forums</li>     <li>Photogallery</li>     <li>Web Links</li>     <li>Downloads</li>     <li>Polls</li>     <li>Shoutbox</li>     <li>PM</li>     <li>Search</li>     <li>Themes</li>    </ul>    <p>PHP-Fusion offers users the opportunity to expand the standard packages with so-called "infusions". These infusions can be easily uploaded, installed, and managed. There are a lot of infusions available, a reasonable amount has also been checked to work with PHP-Fusion and may thus be found in the official PHP-Fusion Mods Database. Next to infusions, there are mods, which mostly alter core code, and panels, which appear on either one of the side bars. These are both also widely available, and checked and posted in the PHP-Fusion Mods Database.</p>    <p>PHP-Fusion also offers to create themes and use them on their web site, without much hard work. There are two files, theme.php and styles.css, in which most of the theme can be defined and altered.<br /> <br /> </p>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322577621327" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322577621327</a></p>     
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