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J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS

     <p><img title="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" border="0" alt="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/8aaff77bbb4e6c2415ec07ba8b772735.png" width="139" height="118" /><br /> dotCMS是一个100%免费基于J2EE/portal的内容管理系统,它有着许多吸引人的特性是其它许多CMS所没有的。在dotCMS中使 用到的 开源项目与框架有:Apache Tomcat ,Liferay Enterprise Portal ,Apache Struts, Hibernate ORM,Velocity模板语言,Lucene搜索引擎 。dotCMS采用Eclipse IDE开发并使用Velocity + Struts做为前端使得dotCMS变得容易扩展和构建。<br /> </p>    <h3>特性:</h3>    <h2>Simplify Content Creation <img style="border-bottom:silver 1px solid;border-left:silver 1px solid;margin:10px;float:right;border-top:silver 1px solid;border-right:silver 1px solid;" title="dotCMS WYSIWYG Editor" alt="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/2dfdb21d17b42cba46e9b1eb00dbdcc3.png" width="367" height="287" /></h2>    <ul>     <li>100% Web based and cross platform compatible.</li>     <li>Integrated <b>WYSIWYG</b> editor.</li>     <li>Built in Editing/Staging/Publishing allows for content editing and <b>previewing before approving</b> and publishing.</li>     <li>Task based <b>workflow emails</b> on change requests, content edits, approvals and publishing.</li>     <li>Content <b>versioning</b> and rollback.</li>     <li><b>Widgets</b> allow end users to easily create rich web pages:      <ul>       <li>AJAX Photo Galleries</li>       <li>RSS Feeds</li>       <li>Streaming MP3 Player</li>       <li>Social Networking</li>       <li>Video Player / Galleries</li>       <li>Google Maps Integration</li>       <li>Online Form Creator / Handler</li>      </ul> </li>    </ul>    <p> </p>    <h2><img style="border-bottom:silver 1px solid;border-left:silver 1px solid;float:left;border-top:silver 1px solid;margin-right:40px;border-right:silver 1px solid;" alt="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/e93b382d7a3c29d3cc683ae756eb491b.png" width="380" height="300" /> Rich Web Functionality Included</h2>    <ul>     <li>AJAX Calendar<br /> - iCal Compatible<br /> - Multiple Calendars<br /> - Event Approval Process</li>     <li>News Center</li>     <li>RSS Feeds</li>     <li>User Login and Account Creation</li>     <li>Blogs</li>     <li>Web Store / Ecommerce</li>    </ul>    <p><br clear="all" />  </p>    <h2>Centralizes Web Management</h2>    <p><img style="border-bottom:silver 1px solid;border-left:silver 1px solid;float:right;margin-left:10px;border-top:silver 1px solid;border-right:silver 1px solid;" title="WebDAV Access" alt="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/684e927696050241361966b4e2a18fd1.png" width="559" height="333" /></p>    <ul>     <li><b>Simple templates</b> and content layouts places no limits on design or what a template should look or act like.</li>     <li>Content as XML, RSS, XHTML, PDF, email or standards-compliant html.</li>     <li><b>WebDAV</b> access to the file store.</li>     <li><b>Permission</b> the ownership, creation, editing and publishing of web content, pages, assets.</li>     <li><b>Dynamic Navigation</b>: menus, sub-menus, site maps and crumb trails.</li>     <li>Easily create and <b>use custom content types</b>.</li>     <li>Mark sections or content <b>public or private</b>. Force user registration and/or login before accessing specific pages</li>     <li>Advanced Macros makes things easier:      <ul>       <li>Custom Content Displays</li>       <li>SQL queries</li>       <li>Use any js lib including JQuery, EXT, Dojo or Scriptaculas.</li>      </ul> </li>    </ul>    <p> </p>    <h2><img style="border-bottom:silver 1px solid;border-left:silver 1px solid;float:left;border-top:silver 1px solid;margin-right:40px;border-right:silver 1px solid;" title="Enterprise Deployment" alt="J2EE/portal的内容管理系统 dotCMS" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/658bd9cf57917608ffd58af84ebec036.png" width="352" height="314" /> Enterprise Ready Open Source</h2>    <ul>     <li><b>Database agnostic</b> (supports Oracle, MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL).</li>     <li><b>Virtual Hosting</b>- Host and manage multiple sites from a single CMS instance.</li>     <li><b>Clustering Support</b> with Distributed Object Caching.</li>     <li>Built in <b>search engine</b> for site and content.</li>     <li><b>Multi-Lingual</b> i18n Engine both for variables and for site content</li>     <li>JSR-168 compliant with servlet support</li>     <li><b>LDAP / Active Directory</b> authentication connectors included</li>     <li><b>CAS</b> single sign on integration.</li>     <li>.war deployment on <b>JBoss<br /> </b></li>    </ul>    <p><strong>项目主页:</strong><a href="http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322571593953" target="_blank">http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/1322571593953</a></p>     
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