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Echarts 示例代码


ECharts (Enterprise Charts 商业产品图表库)

    <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>        <%        String path = request.getContextPath();        String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";        %>                <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">        <html>          <head>            <meta charset="utf-8">            <title>Echarts</title>                    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/esl.js"></script>                    <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-2.1.0.min.js"></script>          </head>          <body>            <div id="main" style="height:500px"></div>                         <div>                 <span id='wrong-message' style="color:red"></span>                 <span id='hover-console' style="color:#1e90ff"></span>                 <span id='console' style="color:#1e90ff">Event Console</span>             </div>                            <!--echarts 包 -->            <script type="text/javascript" src="js/echarts.js"></script>                    <script type="text/javascript">                                //路径配置                require.config({                    paths:{                        //zrender:'./zrender/src',                         echarts: './js',                         //"jquery":"./js/jquery-2.1.0.min"                        }                });                                var data_array=[12,47,39,45,30,20];                var str_array=["江西","福建","北京","黑龙江","海南","安徽"];                                                //设置主要样式                require(                    [                        'echarts',                        'echarts/chart/bar',                        'echarts/chart/line',                        //'jquery'                    ],                    function(ec){                          //初始化echart对象                           var myChart = ec.init(document.getElementById('main'));//ec.init( $("#main")));//                                                 var option={                                                //标题                        title:{                            show:true,                            //主标题                            text:"省份基地数量 ",                            link:"http://www.baidu.com",                            target:"blank",                            textStyle:{                                color:"#9932CC"                            },                             //副标题                            subtext:"**机密**",                             sublink:'www.google.com',                            subtarget:'self',                            subtextStyle:{                                color:"#8F8F8F",                                fontSize:16,                                align:'center'                            },                            //位置                            x:'left',                            y:'top',                            textAlign:'left',                            //颜色                            backgroundColor:"#FFD39B",                            padding:2,                            //主副标题纵向间隔                            itemGap:3,                            borderWidth:1                        },                                                //提示栏                        tooltip:{                            show:true,                            //zlevel:1,                            //  z:3,                            //触发类型                            trigger:'axis',//默认为'item'                            //延时                            //showDelay:1000,                                               enterable:true,                                             //颜色                            backgroundColor:"#AB82FF",                                                        testStyle:{                              color: 'yellow',                                decoration: 'none',                                fontFamily: 'Verdana, sans-serif',                                fontSize: 15,                                fontStyle: 'italic',                                fontWeight: 'bold'                            },                            //坐标轴指示器                            axisPointer:{                                 type: 'line',                                    lineStyle: {                                        color: '#48b',                                        width: 2,                                        type: 'solid'                                    },                                    crossStyle: {                                        color: '#1e90ff',                                        width: 1,                                        type: 'dashed'                                    },                                    shadowStyle: {                                        color: 'rgba(150,150,150,0.3)',                                        width: 'auto',                                        type: 'default'                                    }                                },                                                                                    //内容格式化                              formatter:function(params,ticket,callback)                            {                                               //处理提示框显示的信息                                console.log(params);                                    var res=params[0].name+'<br/>';                                    for(var i=0;i<params.length;i++)                                    {                                        res+=params[i].seriesName+':'+params[i].value;                                                                            }                                //模拟异步回调                                setTimeout(function()                                {                                    callback(ticket,res);                                                                    },500)                                return "loading";                            }                                                    //formatter: "{b}<br/>{a}:{c}"                        },                                                //工具箱                        toolbox:{                            show:true,                            orient:'vertical',                            x:'right',                            y:'top',                            itemSize:20,                                                        //特征                            feature:{                                     mark : {                                            show : true,                                            title : {                                                mark : '辅助线开关',                                                markUndo : '删除辅助线',                                                markClear : '清空辅助线'                                            },                                            lineStyle : {                                                width : 2,                                                color : '#1e90ff',                                                type : 'dashed'                                            }                                        },                                        dataZoom : {                                            show : true,                                            title : {                                                dataZoom : '区域缩放',                                                dataZoomReset : '区域缩放后退'                                            }                                        },                                        dataView : {                                            show : true,                                            title : '数据视图',                                            readOnly: false,                                            lang: ['数据视图', '关闭', '刷新']                                        },                                        magicType: {                                            show : true,                                            title : {                                                line : '折线图切换',                                                bar : '柱形图切换',                                                stack : '堆积',                                                tiled : '平铺',                                                force: '力导向布局图切换',                                                chord: '和弦图切换',                                                pie: '饼图切换',                                                funnel: '漏斗图切换'                                            },                                            //为各个切换试图单独设置option                                          /*   option: {                                               // line: {...},                                               // bar: {...},                                               // stack: {...},                                               // tiled: {...},                                               // force: {...},                                               // chord: {...},                                               // pie: {...},                                               // funnel: {...}                                           },*/                                            type : ['line', 'bar' ,'stack', 'tiled']                                         },                                        restore : {                                            show : true,                                            title : '还原'                                        },                                        saveAsImage : {                                            show : true,                                            title : '保存为图片',                                            type : 'png',                                            lang : ['点击保存']                                        }                                    }                                                                                                                                    /*    feature : {                                           mark : {show: true},                                           dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},                                           magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar', 'stack', 'tiled']},                                           restore : {show: true},                                           saveAsImage : {show: true}                                       }       */                                 },                                            //图例                                  legend: {                                data:str_array,//['销量']                                //selectMode:'multiple',                                //selected:{                                //  '江西':false                               // }                            },                        xAxis:[                            {                                                   type:'category',                                                    data:str_array                            }                        ],                        yAxis:[                            {                                type:'value'                            }                        ],                        /*  timeline:{  //时间轴                            data:[                                   '2002-01-01','2003-01-01','2004-01-01',                                   '2005-01-01','2006-01-01','2007-01-01',                               ],                               checkpointStyle:{                                           symbol : 'auto',                                           symbolSize : 'auto',                                           color : 'auto',                                           borderColor : 'auto',                                           borderWidth : 'auto',                                           label: {                                               show: false,                                               textStyle: {                                                   color: 'red'                                               }                                           }                                       }                                                                             label : {                                   formatter : function(s) {                                       return s.slice(0, 4);                                   }                               },                               autoPlay : true,                                playInterval : 1000                                              }, */                                                 //数据系列,一个图表可能包含多个系列,每一个系列可能包含多个数据                         series:[                                {                                    name:"数量",                                    type:"bar",                                    data:data_array,                                    itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {type: 'default'}}}                                                                    },                                {                                name:"数量",                                type:"line",                                data:data_array                                                                }                                                            ]                                };//end of option                                            myChart.setOption(option);                                                                                                                            //事件命名统一挂载到require('echarts/config').EVENT                        var ecConfig = require('echarts/config');                        //绑定事件                        myChart.on(ecConfig.EVENT.CLICK, eConsole1);                                                 //事件响应函数处理                            function eConsole1(param) {                                var mes = '【' + param.type + '】';                                if (typeof param.seriesIndex != 'undefined') {                                    mes += '  seriesIndex : ' + param.seriesIndex;                                    mes += '  dataIndex : ' + param.dataIndex;                                }                                if (param.type == 'hover') {                                    document.getElementById('hover-console').innerHTML = 'Event Console : ' + mes;                                    alert(mes);                                }                                else {                                    document.getElementById('console').innerHTML = mes;                                    alert(mes);                                }                                console.log(param);                            };                                                                    }//end of function                     );//end of require                                                            </script>             </body>        </html>