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   <?php          class mysql {                private $defaultDB = null;      private $link = null;      private $sql = null;      private $bindValue = null;      public $num_rows = 0;      public $affected_rows = 0;      public $insert_id = 0;      public $queries = 0;                public function __construct() {                      if(func_num_args()) {              $argv = func_get_arg(0);              if(!empty($argv) && is_array($argv)) {                   $this->connect($argv);                  $argv['charset'] = isset($argv['charset']) ? $argv['charset'] : 'utf8';                  $this->setCharset($argv['charset']);              }          }                   }                public function connect($argv, $charset = null) {                        if($this->link) return false;          $argv = func_get_arg(0);          $argv['port'] = isset($argv['port']) ? $argv['port'] : 3306;          $this->link = mysqli_connect( $argv['host'], $argv['user'], $argv['password'], $argv['database'], $argv['port']);          if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo mysqli_connect_error(); exit(0); }          $this->defaultDB = $argv['database'];                       if($charset)          $this->setCharset($charset);      }                public function selectDB($database){                    $int = mysqli_select_db($this->link, $database);          if($int) $this->defaultDB = $database;          return $int;                    }                public function query($sql) {                    $result = mysqli_query($this->link, $sql);          if(mysqli_errno($this->link)) { echo mysqli_error($this->link); exit(0); }                        $this->queries++;                      if(preg_match('/^use\\s+(\\w+)/', $sql, $matches)) list($range, $this->defaultDB) = $matches;                        $pattern = array('read'=> '/(?<=select|show)(.+)$/i', 'write'=> '/(?<=alter|use|replace|insert|update|delete)(.+)$/i');          if(preg_match($pattern['write'], $sql)) {              $this->affected_rows = mysqli_affected_rows($this->link);          }else{              $this->num_rows = mysqli_num_rows($result);          }                        if(preg_match('/^insert(.+)$/i', $sql)) {              $this->insert_id = mysqli_insert_id($this->link);          }                        return $result;                    }                public function find($sql) {                    $collection = array();          $result = $this->query($sql);          while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))          array_push($collection, $rows);          mysqli_free_result($result);          return $collection;                    }                public function findOne($sql) {                    $result = $this->query($sql);          $rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);          mysqli_free_result($result);          return $rows;                    }                public function setCharset($charset) {                    return mysqli_set_charset($this->link, $charset);                    }              public function prepare($sql) {                  $this->sql = $sql;                  }              public function bindValue($search, $value) {                      $this->bindValue = array();          $this->bindValue[$search] = $value;                  }              public function execute() {                  if(func_num_args()) {              $argv = func_get_arg(0);              if(!empty($argv) && is_array($argv)) {                  if(!is_array($this->bindValue)) $this->bindValue = array();                  $this->bindValue = array_merge($this->bindValue, $argv);              }          }                      if($this->bindValue) {              foreach($this->bindValue as $search => $value) {                  $this->sql = str_replace($search, $this->escape($value), $this->sql);              }              $this->bindValue = null;          }                      $int = $this->query($this->sql);          //$this->sql = null;          return (boolean) $int;      }                      public function escape($string) {                  return mysqli_real_escape_string($this->link, $string);              }              public function close() {                      return mysqli_close($this->link);                  }                public function ping() {                    return mysqli_ping($this->link);                    }                public function autoCommit($boolean) {                    return mysqli_autocommit($this->link, $boolean);                    }                public function commit() {                    return mysqli_commit($this->link);                    }                public function rollback() {                    return mysqli_rollback($this->link);                    }                public function __destruct() {                    if($this->link) $this->close();          unset($this->link, $this->defaultDB, $this->bindValue, $this->sql, $this->result, $this->num_rows, $this->affected_rows, $this->insert_id);                    }            }          $argv = array(  'host' => 'localhost',  'user' => 'root',  'password' => '',  'port' => 3306,  'database' => 'test',  'charset'=> 'utf8');          // Using the "mysql::__construct" method to connect MySQL database      $mysql = new mysql($argv);  var_dump($mysql->find('select version()'));  var_dump($mysql->queries);          // Using the "mysql::connect" method to connect MySQL database      $mysql = new mysql();  $mysql->connect($argv);  var_dump($mysql->find('select version()'));  var_dump($mysql->queries);          $mysql = new mysql();  $mysql->connect($argv);  $mysql->setCharset($argv['charset']);  var_dump($mysql->find('select version()'));  var_dump($mysql->queries);