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package tankwar;    import java.awt.Color;  import java.awt.Font;  import java.awt.Graphics;  import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;  import java.awt.event.KeyListener;  import java.io.File;  import java.io.FileInputStream;  import java.util.ArrayList;  import java.util.Random;    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;  import javax.swing.ImageIcon;  import javax.swing.JFrame;  import javax.swing.JPanel;    import tankwar.Tank.Direction;  import barrier.EnemyBorn;  import barrier.Gold;  import barrier.Home;  import barrier.Iron;  import barrier.SelfBorn;  import barrier.Wall;    public class TankWar implements KeyListener {   static boolean TIMEOUT = false;   private JFrame f;   private JPanel gamePanel;   private PanelShow messgePanel;   private myPanel p;   private Tank myTank;   public static final int AREA_WIDTH = 830;   public static final int AREA_HEIGHT = 800;   private ArrayList<Missle> missles = new ArrayList<Missle>();   private ArrayList<Tank> allTanks = new ArrayList<Tank>();   private ArrayList<Boom> booms = new ArrayList<Boom>();   private ArrayList<Wall> walls = new ArrayList<Wall>();   private ArrayList<Iron> irons = new ArrayList<Iron>();   private ArrayList<Gold> golds = new ArrayList<Gold>();   private ArrayList<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();   private ArrayList<EnemyBorn> enemyBorns = new ArrayList<EnemyBorn>();   private SelfBorn selfBorn;   private Home home;   private Tank enemyTank;   private Random r;   private ImageIcon backGround;   private final String map;   private int tankMax;   private boolean over = false;   private static int selfMax = 3;   private boolean win;   private boolean flash = false;   private TankWar tw = this;   static int SCORE = 0;     private final JFrame mainF;   private int style;     public TankWar(String map, int tankMax, JFrame mainF, int style)     throws Exception {    this.map = map;    this.tankMax = tankMax;    this.mainF = mainF;    this.style = style;    init();   }     private void init() {    f = new JFrame("坦克大战 V3.0");    gamePanel = new JPanel(null);    p = new myPanel();    p.setBackground(Color.WHITE);    r = new Random();    messgePanel = new PanelShow();    initMap(new File("map/" + map));      try {     myTank = new Tank(selfBorn.getX(), selfBorn.getY(), true, allTanks,       walls, irons, golds, missles, home, booms, style);    } catch (Exception e1) {    }    myTank.setDir(Direction.U);      allTanks.add(myTank);    addTank();    try {     backGround = new ImageIcon(       TankWar.class.getResource("/pic/whiteback.jpg"));    } catch (Exception e) {    }      p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder(Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE));    p.setSize(AREA_WIDTH, AREA_HEIGHT);    messgePanel.setBounds(AREA_WIDTH, 0, 200, AREA_HEIGHT);    gamePanel.add(messgePanel);    gamePanel.add(p);    f.add(gamePanel);    f.setBounds(0, 0, AREA_WIDTH + 200, AREA_HEIGHT);    f.setDefaultCloseOperation(3);    f.setResizable(true);    f.setFocusable(true);    f.addKeyListener(this);    f.setVisible(true);      new Thread(new Runnable() {     public void run() {      while (!over) {       if (!myTank.isLive()) {        selfMax--;        if (selfMax < 0) {         f.removeKeyListener(tw);         over = true;         win = false;         break;        } else {         myTank.setLevel(1);         myTank.setX(selfBorn.getX());         myTank.setY(selfBorn.getY());         myTank.setDir(Direction.U);         myTank.setHp(50);         myTank.setLive(true);        }       }       if (tankMax <= 0 && allTanks.size() == 1) {        f.removeKeyListener(tw);        over = true;        win = true;       }       if (!home.isLive()) {        f.removeKeyListener(tw);        over = true;        win = false;       }       p.repaint();       myTank.move();       for (int i = 1; i < allTanks.size(); i++) {        allTanks.get(i).move();        allTanks.get(i).setNoFire(myTank.getNoFire() + 1);        // if(allTanks.get(i).getX()%5==0&&allTanks.get(i).getY()%5==0)        aI(allTanks.get(i));       }       if (allTanks.size() <= enemyBorns.size() + 1)        addTank();       myTank.setNoFire(myTank.getNoFire() + 1);       messgePanel.setEnemyCount(tankMax);       messgePanel.setSelfCount(selfMax);       messgePanel.setScore(SCORE);       if (SCORE % 500 == 0) {        SCORE += 100;        Item item = new Item(allTanks, booms, irons, home);        items.add(item);        item.start();       }       try {        Thread.sleep(30);       } catch (InterruptedException e) {       }      }        over();     }      }).start();     }     private class myPanel extends JPanel {    /**     *      */    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4408440723797225328L;      @Override    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {     super.paintComponent(g);     g.drawImage(backGround.getImage(), 0, 0, null);     for (int j = 0; j < walls.size(); j++) {      walls.get(j).draw(g);     }     for (int j = 0; j < irons.size(); j++) {      irons.get(j).draw(g);     }     for (int j = 0; j < golds.size(); j++) {      golds.get(j).draw(g);     }     for (int j = 0; j < enemyBorns.size(); j++) {      enemyBorns.get(j).draw(g);     }     home.draw(g);     selfBorn.draw(g);       for (int j = 0; j < allTanks.size(); j++) {      allTanks.get(j).drawTank(g);     }     for (int j = 0; j < irons.size(); j++) {      irons.get(j).draw(g);     }       for (int i = 0; i < missles.size(); i++) {      missles.get(i).drawMissle(g);      if (!missles.get(i).isLive())       missles.remove(i);     }     for (int i = 0; i < booms.size(); i++) {      if (booms.get(i).isLive())       booms.get(i).drawBoom(g);      else       booms.remove(i);     }     for (int j = 0; j < items.size(); j++) {      if (!items.get(j).isLive()) {       items.remove(j);       continue;      }      items.get(j).draw(g);     }     if (over)      drawOver(g);     messgePanel.repaint();    }   }     @Override   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {    // TODO Auto-generated method stub     }     @Override   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {    if (over) {     if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F1) {      over = false;      missles.clear();      allTanks.clear();      booms.clear();      walls.clear();      irons.clear();      golds.clear();      enemyBorns.clear();      try {       init();      } catch (Exception e1) {      }     } else {      f.setVisible(false);      mainF.setSize(800, 800);      mainF.setVisible(true);     }    } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) {     myTank.fire();    } else {     myTank.keyPress(e);    }   }     @Override   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {      myTank.keyReleased(e);   }     public void aI(Tank tank) {    if (TIMEOUT) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(false);     return;    }      if (r.nextInt(40) == 0)     tank.fire();    if (r.nextInt(10) == 0) {     if (tank.getX() >= myTank.getX()       && tank.getX() <= myTank.getX() + Tank.SIZE       && tank.getY() > myTank.getY()) {      tank.setUp(true);      tank.setLeft(false);      tank.setDown(false);      tank.setRight(false);      tank.setDir(Direction.U);      return;     } else if (tank.getX() >= myTank.getX()       && tank.getX() <= myTank.getX() + Tank.SIZE       && tank.getY() < myTank.getY()) {      tank.setUp(false);      tank.setLeft(false);      tank.setDown(true);      tank.setRight(false);      tank.setDir(Direction.D);      return;     }       else if (tank.getX() > myTank.getX()       && tank.getY() >= myTank.getY()       && tank.getY() <= myTank.getY() + Tank.SIZE) {      tank.setUp(false);      tank.setLeft(true);      tank.setDown(false);      tank.setRight(false);      tank.setDir(Direction.L);      return;     } else if (tank.getX() < myTank.getX()       && tank.getY() >= myTank.getY()       && tank.getY() <= myTank.getY() + Tank.SIZE) {      tank.setUp(false);      tank.setLeft(false);      tank.setDown(false);      tank.setRight(true);      tank.setDir(Direction.R);      return;     }    }    if (tank.getX() <= 0) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(true);     tank.setDir(Direction.R);    }    if (tank.getY() <= 0) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(true);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.D);    }    if (tank.getX() >= AREA_WIDTH - Tank.SIZE) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(true);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.L);    }    if (tank.getY() >= AREA_HEIGHT - Tank.SIZE) {     tank.setUp(true);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.U);    } else if (r.nextInt(300) == 1) {     tank.setUp(true);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.U);    }      else if (r.nextInt(300) == 2) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(true);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.L);    } else if (r.nextInt(300) == 3) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(true);     tank.setRight(false);     tank.setDir(Direction.D);    } else if (r.nextInt(300) == 4) {     tank.setUp(false);     tank.setLeft(false);     tank.setDown(false);     tank.setRight(true);     tank.setDir(Direction.R);    }   }     public void initMap(File file) {    try {     FileInputStream read = new FileInputStream(file);     for (int i = 0; i < AREA_HEIGHT / 50; i++) {      for (int j = 0; j < AREA_WIDTH / 50; j++) {       switch (read.read()) {       case 1:        walls.add(new Wall(j * 50, i * 50));        break;       case 2:        irons.add(new Iron(j * 50, i * 50));        break;       case 3:        golds.add(new Gold(j * 50, i * 50));        break;       case 4:        selfBorn = new SelfBorn(j * 50, i * 50);        break;       case 5:        enemyBorns.add(new EnemyBorn(j * 50, i * 50));        break;       case 6:        home = new Home(j * 50, i * 50);        break;       }      }     }     read.close();    } catch (Exception e) {    }    ;   }     public void addTank() {    if (tankMax <= 0)     return;    for (int i = allTanks.size(); i < enemyBorns.size() + 1; i++) {     try {      int temp = r.nextInt(enemyBorns.size());      enemyTank = new Tank(enemyBorns.get(temp).getX(), enemyBorns        .get(temp).getY(), false, allTanks, walls, irons,        golds, missles, home, booms, r.nextInt(3) + 1);     } catch (Exception e) {      e.printStackTrace();     }     enemyTank.setDir(Direction.D);     enemyTank.setDown(true);     allTanks.add(enemyTank);     tankMax--;     if (tankMax <= 0)      return;    }   }     public static void addMyTankLives() {    selfMax++;   }     private void over() {      for (int i = 0; i < AREA_HEIGHT / 50; i++) {     for (int j = 0; j < AREA_WIDTH / 50; j++) {      irons.add(new Iron(j * 50, i * 50));      p.repaint();      try {       Thread.sleep(5);      } catch (InterruptedException e) {      }     }    }    while (true) {     flash = !flash;     p.repaint();     try {      Thread.sleep(1000);     } catch (InterruptedException e) {     }     f.addKeyListener(this);    }   }     private void drawOver(Graphics g) {    p.repaint();    g.setColor(Color.red);    g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 1, 100));    g.drawString("GAME OVER", 100, 200);    g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 2, 50));    if (win)     g.drawString("Congratulation!  You Win!", 100, 400);    else     g.drawString("So Sorry,  You Lose!", 100, 400);    if (flash) {     g.setFont(new Font("Arial", 2, 30));     g.setColor(Color.BLACK);     g.drawString("Press F1 to try again...,", 150, 500);     g.drawString("Press the other Key to Return the Title...,", 150,       600);    }   }  }