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脚本内容大概主要包括以下: 1、有且只有两个输入参数,都是必输项。 2、参数的格式是日期且格式是“yyyyMMdd"(如:20140101) 3、第二个参数一定要比第一个参数晚 4、最终的执行结果就是将两个日期区间的日期打印出来。

#!/bin/bash  startDate="$1"  endDate="$2"  DATE_FMT="%Y%m%d"     source ./log.sh  export DEBUG="true"     function showUsage() {       warn ""      warn "------------------------ Usage ----------------------------- "      warn " Syntax:  checkInputDates.sh <start date> <end date>"      warn ""      warn " Remark: "       warn "   1.Two arguments are required and must with format 'YYYYmmDD'."      warn "   2.Named 'end date' argument must be greater then or equal to 'start date' argument."      warn ""      warn "  Example: checkInputDates.sh 20140102 20140901"       warn "------------------------------------------------------------ "  }     DATE_FMT=${DATE_FMT:-"%Y%m%d"} ##Default with format "%Y%m%d", eg: 20140102  function checkDateValid() {      local myDate=$1      local exp="date +$DATE_FMT -d $myDate"      if [ "$myDate" == "`$exp`" ]; then          echo "1"      else           echo "0"      fi    }      ###  ##  TODO: It's not correctly.  ##  function datesDiff() {      local d1=`date -d "$1" +%s`      local d2=`date -d "$2" +%s`      ##debug "Dates: "$d1 $d2      local cr=$(($d1-$d2)); ##Diff in 'day' unit.      echo $cr  }           ##  #  Return the day after input date.  # Usage: toTomorrow <input date>  ##  function compareDates() {          ## `date -d " 20141225 1 day" +%Y%m%d`      local cr=$(datesDiff $1 $2); ##Diff in 'day' unit.      ##debug "Compare: $(($(date +$DATE_FMT -d $1) - $(date +$DATE_FMT -d $2)));";       if [[ $cr -eq 0 ]]; then           echo "0"      elif [[ $cr -gt 0 ]]; then          echo "1"      else           echo "-1"        fi  }     ##  #  Return the day after input date.  # Usage: toTomorrow <input date>  ##  function toTomorrow() {         local curDate="$1"      ##debug $curDate             ##TODO: Must be adapted to DATE_FMT...       ##curDate="${curDate:0:4}-${curDate:4:2}-${curDate:6:2}"             ##debug "date -d '$curDate +1 day ' +$DATE_FMT"      ##echo `date -d "$curDate +1 day " +$DATE_FMT`      ##echo `date +$DATE_FMT -d "1 day $curDate"`      echo `date -d "1 day $curDate" +$DATE_FMT`  }     function countStrsByBlank() {      ##local str="$1"      ##local sep="${2:-' '}"       ##echo $str |  awk -v v="$sep" '{ split($0, a, v);for(i in a) {c=i;}} END {print c;}'    set j=0    for item in $dates    do      let j=j+1    done    echo $j  }     ##  #  Get the diff date list between input two dates.  # Usage: getDiffDateList <end date> <start date>  ##  function getDiffDateList() {         local endd=$1      local stad=$2      dl=()       while [[ "$stad" != "$endd" ]]      do          dl=(${dl[*]} "$stad")          stad=$(toTomorrow $stad)      done      dl=(${dl[*]} "$stad")      echo "${dl[*]}"  }  ###### Check inputs ################   #1. Only two arguments.  warn ""  if [ $# != 2 ]; then      warn "ERROR: Only support two arguments input." | showUsage       exit 1;  fi      #2. Check if they're the leagal value.  tmpSd=$(checkDateValid $startDate)   if [ "$tmpSd" == "0" ]; then ###It's the invalid date. eg: 20141901      warn "ERROR: Invalid 'start date' with input '$startDate', it must be with format 'yyyyMMdd', eg: 20140101" | showUsage      exit 1;     fi     tmpEd=$(checkDateValid $endDate)   if [ "$tmpEd" == "0" ]; then ###It's the invalid date. eg: 20141901       warn "ERROR: Invalid 'end date' with input '$startDate', it must be with format 'yyyyMMdd', eg: 20140101"       exit 1;  fi     #3. Check the arg2 greater than or equal arg1.  ##echo "Compare result: "$(compareDates $endDate $startDate)  cprs=$(compareDates $endDate $startDate)   if [ "$cprs" == "-1" ]; then      warn "ERROR: The first argument must not greater than the second one!" | showUsage       exit 1;  fi  ######################################  ##loop the dates between start and end date.  while [[ "$startDate" != "$endDate" ]]  do      echo $startDate      startDate=$(toTomorrow $startDate)  done